Training Tools- Well Test Box

During a recent monthly Safety Meeting, John demonstrated the well test box he created.  Here’s a few highlights we thought you might be interested in. What inspired the creation of the well test box? We wanted to build something for basic diagnosis of wells.  This enables everyone to trouble shoot in a similar systematic process, […]


Monthly Safety Training

Plumbing work can be dangerous.  Work-related accidents across the trade industries can cause serious injuries.  Most work accidents are preventable.  Lohmeyer Plumbing is proud of its safety record. Once a month the Lohmeyer professionals gather for safety training. Training sessions emphasize quality, employee health and safety, and customer service, and include timely and valid information. […]


Water Softener Placement

Is your water softener installed in an unheated garage?    We’ve seen first-hand several stories during harsh winters about softeners freezing either in unheated garages or because an exterior door was left open.  If your softener is located in the garage, you may want to consider moving it, or adding a heat source around it.  Please […]


How Do I Maintain My Softener?

  Now that I have a water softener, how do I maintain it? Check your salt level and add as needed Make sure to add the type of salt recommended by the manufacturer and based on your water condition Most water softeners have a lifespan of 15 years As always, if you have any questions […]


Featured Water Softener- Marlo

Lohmeyer Plumbing uses Marlo water softeners.  These softeners have a programmable head so it regenerates based on demand, not number of days.  When you have depleted the “softened charge” it will regenerate so it will use less salt than softeners programmed for a number of days cycle.  It is set up to soften based on […]


What are the Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Plumber to Install a Water Softener?

Hiring a licensed plumber to install a water softener will provide many benefits to you.  See below for just a few: Removes the presence of soap scum Cleaner and softer skin & hair Extends the life of appliances that use water Spot free dishes Cleaner & softer laundry, and extends the life of the items […]


How Do Water Softeners Work?

Here’s a quick science lesson- It is all done at the water molecule.  The sodium chloride ions combine with the calcium chloride ions and get attracted and removed on the water softener resin beads.  Once the resin beads are saturated with mineral ions they are re-charged in a process called regeneration.  A brine solution is […]


Do You Have Hard Water?

  Do you have hard water?  Here’s a few signs: White crust build-up at faucet aerators and shower heads Water spots everywhere- dishes, glasses Rumbling and popping noises from your water heater tank Decreased suds and cleaning capabilities of soaps and detergents Lohmeyer Plumbing can perform a simple test on your water to determine if […]


Spotlight on Our Plumbers

We take great pride in our plumbers and staff at Lohmeyer Plumbing, so we’re taking the opportunity to provide some insight into the lives of our employees.  This week our spotlight is on Mitch.  (PS- Mitch is celebrating a birthday this week!)          .         Years with Lohmeyer Plumbing:  […]


French Palace Had No Toilets Until 18th Century

The legendary Palace of Versailles began as a hunting lodge in 1624. After more than a century and a half of building, which included some of the most impressive construction campaigns in the world’s history, toilets were added in the 18th Century. That’s not toilets for the masses, servants or even guests.  That’s any toilets. […]


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