Water Softener

Water Softener Placement

Is your water softener installed in an unheated garage?    We’ve seen first-hand several stories during harsh winters about softeners freezing either in unheated garages or because an exterior door was left open.  If your softener is located in the garage, you may want to consider moving it, or adding a heat source around it.  Please […]


How Do I Maintain My Softener?

  Now that I have a water softener, how do I maintain it? Check your salt level and add as needed Make sure to add the type of salt recommended by the manufacturer and based on your water condition Most water softeners have a lifespan of 15 years As always, if you have any questions […]


Featured Water Softener- Reliant

Lohmeyer Plumbing installs Reliant water softeners, known for their advanced programmable heads that regenerate based on water demand rather than a set number of days. This feature ensures your softener only regenerates when needed, using less salt compared to systems on a fixed schedule. It is customized to match your water’s hardness, which can vary […]


What are the Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Plumber to Install a Water Softener?

Hiring a licensed plumber to install a water softener will provide many benefits to you.  See below for just a few: Removes the presence of soap scum Cleaner and softer skin & hair Extends the life of appliances that use water Spot free dishes Cleaner & softer laundry, and extends the life of the items […]


How Do Water Softeners Work?

Here’s a quick science lesson- It is all done at the water molecule.  The sodium chloride ions combine with the calcium chloride ions and get attracted and removed on the water softener resin beads.  Once the resin beads are saturated with mineral ions they are re-charged in a process called regeneration.  A brine solution is […]


Do You Have Hard Water?

  Do you have hard water?  Here’s a few signs: White crust build-up at faucet aerators and shower heads Water spots everywhere- dishes, glasses Rumbling and popping noises from your water heater tank Decreased suds and cleaning capabilities of soaps and detergents Lohmeyer Plumbing can perform a simple test on your water to determine if […]