Already have us stopping by? Consider a water heater check in light of new regulations
Q: My water heater is nearing the end of its usefulness. You’ve been great, telling me it’s still got some life instead of just recommending replacing it to make a buck. Now, however, it’s apparent I’ll need a new one. What’s up with the new insulation regulations you’ve been talking about?
A: First, if we’re coming to your home anyway, you may want us to check the location of your water heater to make plans ahead.
If the space for your water heater has plenty of room, or if you’re going to switch to a smaller capacity or tankless water heater, you should be fine. A gas
tankless water heater is an obvious option.
New regulations now in effect means added insulation. Even the same capacity water heater may not fit the same space, especially if it’s currently a close fit. We’ve been letting customers know so they’ll be ready, and we’re glad you’ve been paying attention. Another issue, pipes may need to be moved.
We may be able to locate a water heater that was manufactured before the deadline and doesn’t have the added insulation, however, that will be more difficult as the April 15 deadline is further in the rearview mirror. Older units can still be installed, but they’re not being manufactured.
Another choice is going to heat pump technology instead of a larger water heater. Come see us or call
812.379.4876 for options.
Tankless water heater
A gas tankless water heater is an obvious option, but not only for those with a space issue due to the new national regulations. A tankless water heater naturally takes up less room, and is much more efficient, even with the additional insulation that’s been mandated for traditional water heaters. A lot of homeowners with teenagers opt for tankless water heaters. There’s some additional work up front, but there’s no more hassle about getting a consistent amount of hot water.