Early spring is when trees have the most active root growth. Tree roots can be looking for cracks in your main sewer line. This is a major cause of sewer line blockage. Have your sewer lines evaluated.
Make sure you know where your outside sewer clean-out is. Keep it uncovered for emergency access.
Check outside hydrants or water spigots for winter freeze damage.
If you open an outdoor hydrant or spigot, and don’t have pressure like normal, chances are the hydrant line has split from freezing and could be leaking in your crawl space or house.
Open crawl space vents as needed.
Check outside hydrants or spigots for signs of dripping or leaking. Now is the perfect time to get the hydrants and spigots fixed or replaced before winter approaches.
Remove all garden hoses for the winter. Again, check hydrants or spigots for leaks and get them fixed before winter approaches.
Winterize pool houses and other out buildings where water is used.
Winterize sprinkler systems.
Consider closing your crawl space vents.
Remove all garden hoses immediately after use.
In extreme cold, open cabinet doors below sinks or where water lines run.
Keep garage doors closed if you have water lines, water heaters, or a water softener inside the garage.
If water pipes freeze, they may burst. When these pipes thaw, flooding can occur.
If you run water to keep lines from freezing, run at a steady trickle, not just a drip.
Do not trickle water if your drain lines are exposed to outdoor freezing temperatures, as in under mobile homes.