Computer-aided design and showroom visit can help envision your dream!
OK, you've made it through the holidays and you're looking to update your bathroom before warmer weather starts.
Lohmeyer Plumbing has computer-aided design tools to help you create the bathroom you want, and concepts can be viewed before the actual project has begun. Visuals can include a range of tile, cabinetry, and fixture choices, wall and flooring colors, and more.
"Upgrading your bathroom can add value and comfort to your home," says Joe Lohmeyer. "Many new products have been developed over the last decade that can last longer, work more efficiently and save money."
Visit Lohmeyer's Showroom
It also pays to take a look at your selections and alternatives in-person before you start. One option is to meet with the professionals in our showroom, where you can see installed quality bathroom products and name brand fixtures. Our many years of experience with fixtures and repairs can help identify better choices to provide long-term satisfaction.
Lohmeyer's professionals also can help by making sure the fixtures you choose are compatible with your existing plumbing.
Call us today at 812-379-4876 and schedule an appointment to visit the Lohmeyer Plumbing Showroom.